Please READ! IMORTANT INFORMATION on the Sanitary Sewers--deadline for a response AUG. 30!


In an effort to improve the sanitary sewer lines. The Village of Lakemore is seeking public participation from the residents of the village for the nomination request for Phase I of the sanitary sewer improvement project. Here is the information. Please read and follow up with any questions or comments. 

The Village of Lakemore is working to improve the sanitary sewer system which will reduce the amount of infiltration entering the system through cracks in the lines and manholes.

Infiltration can overtask the sanitary lift station, potentially causing a sanitary sewer overflow. It is a major culprit that increases sewage being transported and treated by the City of Akron which, in turn, causes the increased sewer bill.

The Village is inspecting the sanitary lines in phases so the Village Engineer can determine the best approach for improvements. The phases will ultimately become an overall improvement plan for the system. The phased plans will provide enough information to apply for funding to afford the improvements.

The Village is submitting a nomination to the Ohio E.P.A. Water Pollution Control Loan Fund to request funds to begin improving the sanitary sewers in First through Seventh Streets, Lake Road, Sunnyside Avenue, Front Street, South Street, Adams Street, and a portion of Church Street. These roads are closest to the sanitary lift station and will be Phase I of the improvement projects. Improving the sanitary lines and manholes in Phase I will reduce the amount of sewage entering the sanitary lift station and how much will be transported and treated by the City of Akron.

The nomination for the funding request is due August 31, 2022. The Ohio E.P.A. will review the request and hopefully choose to fund this project. The funding will be available to begin in 2023.

Village Administrator, Tracy Sayers would like to address any questions or concerns regarding this project. She is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in person at the Lakemore Municipal Building, 1400 Main Street, by phone at 330-733-6125 ext. 3, or email at


Tracy Sayers

Village Administrator


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